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XUS桌面: 一款功能强大的快速启动和桌面图标管理软件

XUS桌面 Screenshot

XUS桌面(XUS Launcher)是一款功能强大的快速启动和桌面图标管理软件。它为你提供了一个快速、灵活的方式来打开你常用的程序、文档或网站, 极快速地访问您的Windows系统目录和附件。 XUS Launcher可以为每一个快捷方式指定一个快捷字母键,启动一个常用的应用程序你只需按3个键即可, 它的启动速度是惊人的,并且极其灵活。不论你是习惯于使用键盘还是习惯于使用鼠标,XUS Launcher都可以让你以最快的速度启动你想要的程序。 那种呼之即来,挥之即去,行云流水般的操作极其流畅和简洁,毫无拖沓感。每当你需要的时候,它总是触手可及。 所以不论你打开了多少个应用程序窗口,快捷键(Alt + 空格键)都可以将XUS Launcher呼出并置顶。而且快捷方式可以以组的形式管理和储存, 它让你的桌面更有条理、更加美观、调用更方便快捷。

系统要求: Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7.0, 2008, 8.0 (32位 & 64位)
内存:512MB,或更高 (Vista及以上操作系统推荐1GB)

XUS桌面 - 特色功能


关于XUS Launcher,有三件事你必须要知道。

1. 快捷键(Alt + 空格键)。
2. 快捷键(Shift + Tab键)。
3. 通过拖放操作添加快捷方式。


XUS桌面 2.0.87

价格:¥69.99 (仅限中文版) , 原价:$39.95美元
操作系统:Windows XP, 2003, Vista, 7.0, 2008, 8.0 (32bit & 64bit)

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XUS桌面 - 屏幕截图

XUS桌面-截图 XUS桌面-动态密码解锁模式 XUS桌面-透明背景效果

XUS桌面配置-1 XUS桌面配置-2 XUS桌面配置-3

XUS桌面 - 用户评论

Reviewed by Ralph Bressler - August 14th, 2012

I have used a lot of different programs and utilities that I THOUGHT would be useful. Most I have not used and eventually uninstalled them. I have tried many different program launchers and found them wanting in some way. I installed XUS Desktop and immediately began to use it. It has become an integral part of my computer system and I use it ALL the time.

Reviewed by Findmysoft.com - April 26th, 2012

It adds a circle on the desktop, which can contain up to 48 different icons and shortcuts. Besides that, the user can add any program shortcut to the circle. What's more, the opacity level and size of the icon circle can be customized. Furthermore, the program's settings and the list of icons can be backed up as a file, for reusing it later on.

The program doesn't allow moving the icon circle on the screen, as it can be displayed only in the middle.

"XUS Desktop adds an icon circle on the desktop, allowing you to access any program or Windows feature in the shortest time possible and with great ease."

Reviewed by John - March 5th, 2011

"The idea of this program is a good one, you have your most-used applications, documents, folders, etc., within easy reach and the circular arrangement of the icons makes them faster and more efficient to access with the mouse. This is a very good software."

Reviewed by Eric - June 30th, 2011

"Oh, It's a THING OF BEAUTY!!!! Now, I'm super excited about how much simpler this is going to make using Windows! AWESOME!!!"